It's important that we take time to process our emotions and allow ourselves to feel into our lives, but like most things, balance is good too.
With lifes challenges it is easy to feel bogged down, stuck, stressed etc and thats ok and sometimes all we need is to simply release it.
How do we do that?
One of the many ways you can clear and reset your energy is to clear and reset your space. Not only the action of taking control of an area in your life help but the energetic cleanse of the experience can sometimes be enough to give you a clean slate for the day and remind you that you can make a fresh start at any chosen time.
Take a moment to be still
and breathe
Fill your tummy with air on the inhale
relax your shoulders, exhale.

Have a clean up, your office desk, your kitchen, your car, which ever space is needing your attention - or where ever it is you are! Get rid of excess that doesn't serve - aka de-clutter.
Rubbish, empty bins, paper no longer needed. Be gone.
Dust is stagnant energy. Bring the flowing energy of water into the space by wiping down dusty services with a wet cloth and a few drops of essential oils. Commercial cleaners have an array of chemicals and are proven to make your grumpy. For dust, water is enough.
Spray your space with a natural room spray, there are so many beautiful products on the market these days, you will likely find someone local to support which is super positive for small business.
Room spray cleanses the air, again brings in the flowing energy of water and invigorates the space with natural fragrances that are actually good for you.
They can also help cleanse your energy field at the same time.

A visual shift the in the space around you will help you release stagnant energy too.
Change the photo on your desk, get a cute natural air freshener for your car, move furniture, re-style. Mix it up to create a sense of renewal and the youthful feeling of play.
In Feng Shui it is taught to disturb negative energies, clap your hands!
Or (my personal favourite) crank some uplifting music.
Imagine a sonic boom moving through the space and clearing out any negative energy.
House plants are alive, so its no surprise they add life to a space as well as beautify, soften harsh edges and connect us to nature. Biophilic Interior Design has many benefits and this is a very powerful and low budget way to implement it. Plant retail therapy with a coffee in hand is just my Saturday morning dream! Sorry, I get excited.
Aim for plants that suit your plant caring capacity and make sure the lighting is appropriate for planty to thrive. Withered leaves will have the opposite effect we are going for.
Combine all the above for a full spatial cleanse experience and before you know it you'll be talking to your plants, dancing to the music and driving around like the badass that you are!
Our spaces have the power to grow with us, helping us to remember that this is our life that we live and we have a choice to step into our higher power at any given moment.
Who knew chores could be so empowering ;)
I hope you found this read informative and uplifting, until next time..
Have a fabulous day, designing your life x
Lauren Shiels - The Healing Spaces Project.
