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Healing Spaces Project

Plants are alive.

I mean when you get your head around the reality of what that means its quite crazy. That plant on your desk is alive, it has a consciousness, it is aware of you.

Have you ever spoken to your plants?

Have you heard of the water experiment by Dr Masaru Emoto?

Basically he took water from nearby rivers and lakes and labelled their jars with different words. He spoke the label to the jar daily.

He then froze the jars and found that the jars of water that had positive word labels produced beautiful perfect ice flakes, the ones that had negative words, produced distorted shapes or not really shapes at all.

Here are images of his findings

According to The University of Arizona, some plants make up can be up to 95% water.

So you could very well assume, based on the study of Dr Masaru Emoto, that the words spoken to your plants may very well be affecting their growing success or not.

Not to mention that we are also as human beings made up of a large portion of water too!

Take this a step further and consider the fact that perhaps you are speaking to your plants as you water them. Could this frequency be entering the water itself before it is soaked up by the plant.

Dr Masaru Emoto also experimented with music.

See the image above has a distorted result from heavy metal and an incredibly jewel like response to Mozart Symphony. I also believe that we are the drivers of our own bodies, there will be some who genuinely enjoy heavy metal music and get a rise from listening to it.

Another famous enquiry about talking to your plants was 'Does talking to your plants help them grow?' I had a research of this question for this blog and found the scientific answer would be yes, it does help, because plants breath carbon and we breath out carbon when we speak.

I think the scientific answer was just as fascinating as the experiment above. Because it demonstrates again how closely we are intertwined with nature. Whether you think the plant can feel the energy of what you are saying or not is up to you, either way you are feeding a plant with your breath.

I once knew an Aboriginal man who was a gardener that looked after a resort in the Whitsundays - A collection of islands along the coast of Queensland, for those who don't know. He very much believed that speaking to and touching plants was desired by the plants and helped them grow. He used to often run his hands along the leaves and chat to them. His gardens were extraordinary.

I'll just leave that there.

Pushing the boundaries of we believe we know, will tend to get a few laughs. Not everyone will resonate with this post nor take it seriously. Some will already be way ahead of me and have an incredible relationship with their plants.

But for now feel free to explore this idea and embrace some planty chats and be sure to let me know if you notice a difference not only in your plants but your relationship with them.

This is my blog The Healing Spaces Project, where I write about our homes and home lifestyles through a scientific, explorative and intuitive lens. I promise I write about interiors too! Please feel free to sign up to my monthly newsletter letting you know of my latest blog and any other fun things I have to offer.

Have a fabulous day, designing your life x

You can read more about Dr Masaru Emoto's water experiment either by googling - there is much out there. Or here



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